New look intelligentcontract - Coming Soon
All things must change... But in the case of intelligentcontract's innovative contract management solution, that's always a good thing. Not that our current look is anything to sniff at - we've always been fond of it - but our new look, due to launch on Monday 27th March, is even better!
And it's not just about looks either. There are new features included that will make your life even easier, and show you just how much value intelligentcontract can deliver for you.
This short note tells you all you need to know about the upcoming release.
Available on your Smartphone
How about being able to use your contract management system on your phone? Available on any smartphone or tablet, the mobile optimized version will automatically be displayed, making it easy to use on the go.
It's just one of the little added touches we thought you'd like, and it will make your meetings go with that little bit of an extra swing when you know you've got access to all the information you need.
Cleaner Interface
The interface itself will have changed somewhat when you log in after the 27th March. It will still work in the same great way, though, so there's no need to worry. We've just made it all a bit smarter. For instance, we've taken away a load of clutter. Any unused features will be gone, and you'll be able to find your way around a lot more easily. The menus will be on the left, giving you a lot more space to display your data. The icons look much sharper. And the admin menu has been reorganized, so there's a more logical way of grouping things together.
Online Help
We've introduced an excellent new help system. Just click the ? and you'll be able to read through all the most common questions that are asked. Not only that, but you'll find the answers too (we wouldn't leave you hanging!). And we'll keep adding more articles about how to use intelligentcontract to its optimum, so don't forget to check in every now and then to find even more information.

Improved Search
Our search system has been improved too, giving you more search power than ever before. Now you'll see the search bar on every page, so you won't have to keep switching back and forth. Plus, to save time (every second counts, we know) you simply need to enter just the first two characters of your search term and the search feature will do the rest. You'll see instant matches from all of your data, including - and here's the best bit - the documents you've uploaded.

User Forums
Forums! Yes, there are now forums! We're really excited about them, and we're sure you'll enjoy this new aspect of your contract management system. Click ? and you'll find them, ready and waiting. This is where you'll find details about any future changes and features (and you can even vote on them), but it’s also the place where you can suggest features we might not have thought of yet. Users will be able to leave handy hints and tips too, which could help you now, or in the future.
What Do I Have To Do?
Nothing! Just keep using intelligentcontract as normal, and when you log in on 27th March, you'll notice that things look different. Don’t worry though - you won’t have lost any data, as it will all be transferred.
Keep an eye out for the Intro. Once you log in, you'll see a short introductory guide showing you where everything is and how it’s going to work.
If you've got any problems or questions please don't forget you can get in touch with us on +44 (0)333 344 3905 or by emailing Or why not visit where you can live chat or raise a new ticket?
Here's to the future!
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